Disclaimer-This post is deeply personal and maybe a bit unorthodox for a business blog. I started writing yesterday and today completely scrapped what I’d typed. This morning, with a fresh mind, I believe I must be faithful to the words given me, perhaps for the reason that there might be someone who needs these words as well.
The word steadfast has recently been forefront in my mind, partly because I just started going through a devotional Bible study on the book of James called, Steadfast.
Do you know what steadfast means? According to Webster’s dictionary:
Steadfast – firmly fixed in one place; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination; faithful.
I feel as though my life, or the life I’d envisioned, has been anything but steadfast. From the upheaval of Marty’s accident, the cattle market plummet, our daily schedule constantly going from one thing to the next without time to breathe (and I prefer lots of breathing space), finances, unexpected bills, health issues, feeling betrayed by others; stress abounds. I know you can relate.

Storm Beyond
Nikon D700 + 70-200 mm/2.8 @200 mm, ISO 800, f/8, 1/100
8/2019 ©Cristen J. Roghair
-Near White River, SD, taken during Frontier Days Ranch Rodeo-
James wrote to the early church and said, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” (James 1:2-3)
“It is extremely difficult to change the way we feel about something–so it is very encouraging that James does not tell us to “feel joyful when you meet trials of various kinds.” Instead, he tells us to “count it all joy”–meaning, think about or consider what we know to be true about God and rejoice in the fact that God is doing something good in the midst of our heartache.” -Courtney Doctor, author of the devotional Bible study.
The study book then asked to write down truths about the Lord God I can hold fast to in the midst of my trials. This is my list based on what I know to be true from the Bible and what I have seen countless time in my life:
- the LORD has always been faithful
- the LORD has always provided for my needs
- the LORD knows the future
- the LORD is trustworthy with the future
- the LORD will never leave me or forsake me
- the LORD’s ways are higher than mine
- the LORD is steadfast
These are what I know to be true not only in my life at present, but growing up and watching my dad remain steadfast in the midst of job loses and betrayals. My husband exudes the very same mindset as he leads our family, steadfast because of Who his trust is in. Not in his abilities, not in his finances, but in the LORD God who through history has remained steadfast.
Why do I openly share this on my business blog? Often I’m fearful of what others think of me, of being rejected.
I would be remiss if I did not state that the reason I’m a photographer, a painter of light so to speak, is because of my relationship with the LORD. He is my reason for why I seek beauty in the world around me, for He is the creator. On day one, “God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)

Golden Bales
Nikon D700 + 70-200 mm/2.8 @70 mm, ISO 200, f/20, 1/20
8/2019 ©Cristen J. Roghair
-Monochrome shades of yellow created in-camera. Shooting into the sun and allowing the lens flair to enhance the emotional feel of this photograph of golden light filling the late summer landscape. The tiny town of Okaton, SD, sits on the horizon.-
I love your heart and transparency! Praise be to God for He is steadfast! Thank you for sharing Cristen.
Love you, too, Erin! Have you been studying this book, too?