Have a camera but not sure what all those buttons are for?

Want to get out of Auto mode and start creating photographs you want?

Join me for six Tuesday evenings (July 16, 23, 30, August 6, 13, 20) full of all things photography to help you understand your camera and how you can create beautiful photographs with the equipment you already own.

This is a very basic workshop for beginners or those wanting to brush up on skills forgotten.

We will cover:

  • How your camera works
  • What is exposure and how to create it
  • How to use lighting-natural and indoor
  • Composition for landscape as well as taking every day photos of your family, pets and life as you experience it!

Payment must be made by July 5 to reserve your spot. If you could like to pay with cash or check, please contact below.

Minimum of eight participants in order to hold the class.


Update: This event has been canceled for summer 2024, but possibly rescheduled for March/April 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact me through email (through button below) or call: 605-295-1008.