as a photographer (in South Dakota)
This season set aside to remind us to be thankful has me thinking of several things I’m so grateful for as a photographer, especially living in, and photographing South Dakota.
1. Natural Complimentary Colors

The prairie showcases a wide variety of yellows/tans/beige from about July (depending on the year) until April when the greens return. Any day we have bright blue skies with wispy clouds I call it a South Dakota Day. God has created these colors to compliment each other so well!
2. Unique Places to Explore
The topography of this arid prairie state has some of the most unique varieties. From the lush glacial lake regions in the north east, to the desert-like other worldliness of Badlands National Park.

3. The Sky
South Dakota is one of those unique places in which we see the entire arch of the sun all day, an average of 213 days a year!
Our sunsets are pretty spectacular, especially if there are clouds in the sky to create a new show every single evening.
4. Good Horses

Before marrying Marty, a lifelong cattlemen, I had no idea one horse could have a completely different disposition and personality from another horse. The three mares I have ridden have proved their worth in gold. Each unique and special. Each with their own set of strengths and weaknesses.
5. To Walk
My feet have put on a lot of miles in my photography career.
My appreciation for the ability to walk really hit me two years ago when I was diagnosed with Myxoid Liposarcoma, a soft tissue cancer that was in my leg. I went through radiation therapy and then the tumor was removed in surgery. The mass was deep under my quad muscles and relearning to walk took time. About 4-5 months after surgery I stopped showing signs of limping.
In part of this celebration (now two years cancer free), I’m working on hiking the Centennial Trail, a 111 mile thru hike from Bear Butte to Wind Cave.
I photographed Resilient on my first day on the trail. The going is slow but I’m hoping to complete it by the spring.